Spliced Takes - Nashville Revisited

  1. Devil In Disguise (alternate master)
  2. Please Don't Drag That String Around (spliced takes 3,4,5,5)
  3. Gold In The Mountains (spliced overdubbed master)
  4. Like A Baby (alternate master)
  5. Soldier Boy (spliced takes 2,7)
  6. Thrill Of Your Love (spliced false start, takes 2,1,3,1)
  7. I Got Stung (spliced takes 18,20)
  8. She's Not You (spliced take 3, workpart take 5, overdub)
  9. Put The Blame On Me (spliced 3 x false start, take 2)
  10. Dirty, Dirty Feeling (alternate master)
  11. Kiss Me Quick (spliced takes 5,6)
  12. Western Union (spliced takes 2,3,1,2)
  13. His Latest Flame (spliced takes 10,12)
  14. By And By (spliced takes 1,3,4)
  15. Joshua Fit The Battle (spliced takes 3,2)
  16. I Believe In The Man In The Sky (spliced takes 3,4,1)
  17. Big Boss Man (spliced takes 5,9)
  18. It Ain't No Big Thing (spliced takes 1,2,6)
  19. Just Pretend (spliced takes 1,2)
  20. Stranger In The Crowd (spliced rehearsal)
  21. Cindy, Cindy (spliced takes 1,2,1,1)
  22. Heart Of Rome (spliced take 3, workpart take 1)
  23. I'll Never Know (alternate overdubbed master)
  24. It Hurts Me (spliced takes 3,4,5)
  25. I, John (spliced takes 1,1,2)
  26. Padre (spliced takes 8,11, undubbed)
  27. Amazing Grace (spliced takes 1,2)
  28. In The Garden (spliced takes 2,3)
  29. Early Morning Rain (alternate master)
  30. Until It's Time For You To Go (spliced takes 7,8)
Label CMT
Release Unknown

